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For Kids

Kids Home

Abby and Juan will be going on adventures, and bringing you along!

Come back often and see what they are doing,

and where they are going!

Abby and Juan

Click on the coloring page to the left and download your own CT Apples page to color!

For an 8.5 x 11 color copy 

click here. Great for classrooms!


Learn how apples grow at Lyman Orchards

Are you making plans for fundraisers this year? Make a healthy choice!

Apples are the perfect Fall Fundraiser, as well as Apple Cider.

Don't limit your plans to Fall! 

Many of our orchards have large

storage facilities and you can plan on

fundraisers into the late Winter and

early Spring with the proper planning.

Contact one of your local orchards

soon for more ideas.

Look for forms and more ideas at and CT Dept. of Agriculture

" Farmer Eric" Eric Henry, Blue Hills Orchard, Wallingford, CT


Tell them you want APPLES & CIDER!

How Does It Grow?

How Does it Grow Video

I help your

kids eat 


What's COOL in Connecticut schools? See how they encourage healthy eating at, and CT Dept. of Agriculture, where apples are our "Heroes"


POSTERS! Click on each poster to download an 11 x 17 poster for home or classroom!

Educational Posters

Have some fun with our Activity Sheet! Learn about apples and how they grow, apple trivia, and remember what you see in you orchard visits. 


Click on the picture to download and print the sheet. 


**HINT** You will find most of the answers in our Kid's Brochure!


If you get stuck on the word search look HERE

"Sam the Scarecrow"

visits orchards during the fall! Check here to see where he is going to be next.....


Have your picture taken with "Sam". If it's ok with you & your family, we'll post it on Facebook so you can "share" with your friends and family!


Here's Farmer Kevin and Farmer Lisa and their dog "HoneyCrisp" from Drazen Orchards posing with Sam.







Fun things to do! Besides Apple Picking there's also Corn Mazes, Hay Rides, Horse-Drawn Wagon rides, Scarecrow building and lots of  other activities! Check with your local orchard's website or Facebook Page to see what's up!

Scotts Yankee Farmer
Lyman Orchards
Roses Berry Farm
Easy Pickins Orchard
Easy Pickins Orchard
Fun things



Learn more about CT Apples!

Download out brochures, or visit your local orchard and ask for a copy!


Make your own T-shirts! Artwork for each kind of iron-on transfer (available at local craft stores)  Light shirts (left) dark shirts (right). Kids, be sure to do this ONLY with adult supervision!

Click on the image below for a PowerPoint presentation about "How Do Apples Grow"
How do Apples Grow
"How an Apple Grows" sequence cards that accompanied book readings for Ag in The Classroom project, 2015
Click to download PDF's
How Does an Apple Grow

© 2014 CT Apple Marketing Board . all rights reserved

 Web Design by Sue Muldoon Images LLC

Pick your own CT Apples

Download a copy of our brochures. Click on any image for a printable PDF

Download our 

CT Apples App!

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